Sunday, March 21, 2010

roast beef for one

During the whole week, after that not so lucky last weekend, there seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel (not literally, but I feel like overdramatizing right now). I did not have to face my demons most of the days, managed to stay calm and cool and was looking forward this weekend with one foot on the ground. As it happens, one foot is not enough.Well, the "weekend" happened, only with a different turn than I expected.
It does not matter what happened now, but I came to conclusion that when you want to tell bad news and also have promised to visit the bad news recipient, don't join those two things. At least not when the visit is promised to me. Phone is perfectly fine, especially when used early.
Plan B, Hana? 
It took me an hour to comb some hair out of the dogs (have a feeling Chompy is getting bold spots around her shoulders... could it be from the harness?), than out of me and when I went to look for the knife and started fixing the doorframes in order to finish my November paint job, I got tired. Well, the paint caulk needs to dry anyway, and I will try what Mitch suggested. So today is just prep work, I think. I hope to be done soon and take the girls out to Vedauwoo. They slept the whole time after we came from our second walk yesterday.
I tried making roast beef according to ATK (surprisingly Julia Child does not seem to have a recipe in her bible) and it does not seem noticeably more tender, but it is still good. The guacamole is chilling in the fridge, mashed potatoes with root veggies as well (and they were great), and I'll have the cranberry-banana-walnut "bread" for breakfast for another 4 days easily... make it 2 days...:)

And that in the background is future Pan Pugliese-Laramiese 3 :)

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