Sunday, May 2, 2010

frrrgale emericky

May 1st ended the first year of my homeownership and I threw a party, delayed housewarming party, so to speak. Facebook posts of my friends P3 inspired me to try to make my version of frgale, at least as close as I can get. I found a recipe online, made my own plum butter (povidla) from fried plums (prunes) and also tvaroh (farmer's cheese) from yogurt. There were other things to be done, but this was my own challenge.
Of course I put some whole wheat flower into the dough, and made the dough a day ahead, it did not need much of kneading in the first place and was very nice to work with later on. One pie was just "tvaroh a posypka", second had some plum butter under the cheese and third one only plum butter topped with ground poppy seeds with sugar. Soaking raisins in hot rum is fun and I used the rum later to mix with butter for final glazing.
 I cut the finished pies into pretty thin wedges and they were delish. I bet even your grandma from Walachia would have a hard time to compete :)


  1. especially with that one with plum butter UNDER !!!! farmer's cheese...

  2. basically...let's stuck to the name "gaygale", i believe that would be the elegant way how to approach the technological discrepancies with traditions :)

  3. I decided not to use gaygale. Since I make these and you don't, it is my turn to name them as I want. It is frrrgale and basta fidli :)
