Thursday, April 15, 2010

gray scale

I used to think I was wearing my heart on my sleeve, but quite possibly that was only my own perception. I used to think that I liked someone to the point of loving or not. I had crushes, boyfriend, friends... With time, after I accumulated enough people in the category of "dating", I realized things were not so black and white.
At the age of 38 I met only handful of men after the break up with my partner. The first two are my friends now. Maybe three. Maybe four, but the fourth one lives far. Fifth one could easily be called an ass, but he tried not to be one and I have to give him a point for trying... apparently I am in forgiving positive mood today. Sixth one is out of my life now too, it was probably a wrong timing, although I felt right with him and about him.
The last one is a mystery, because one cannot even start describing him as wearing his heart on his sleeve. He IS the heart hanging on his own sleeve. He amazes me, disarms me, makes me want to be better, and I have not even met him yet. At the age of 38  he sent me a poem by text message! As I already said earlier in these pages I am saying now again: if I am going to hit the bottom, it's gonna hurt! This time I hope that neither of us is going to hit anything, especially the bottom. My imaginary arm wraps around him and I am discovering new pages in my soul, together with some old ones. His laugh is so similar to Blexi's, that it unnerves me, almost. Lets see what the Saturday brings.
In terms of continuing improving myself as baker-amateur, I decided to go and try the "traditional challah". It is like Czech vanocka only made without dairy (milk and butter). First time was it was fine, but did not have time to braid it.And the oil used instead of butter seemed to me to let it be greasy. Second time I did again just a half of recipe and used butter instead of oil. And braided it properly (thanks to internet).

I also let it rise more and since the dough was waiting for 2 days in the fridge, it was on the dry side. More reasons to dab some butter on it!

I am sure I'll never made is as nicely looking again. But maybe more tasty... the honey used instead of sugar is really subtle and the whole wheat flavor goes great with it, traditionally.
And now I need to bake several hundred of them, since the parchment paper with challah footsteps look like really cool wallpaper :). Doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. now i HAVE to try to make that thing..;)
    it looks beautiful! I am sure everything will go well tomorrow ... or at least with the outcome which is meant to be ;)
