Tuesday, March 16, 2010

cloudless day

It was really a nice day, and so was yesterday. I guess it was a repayment for having to get up an hour earlier, especially appreciated after a weekend of not enough sleep. The last Sunday, a cloudy cold day, left me with some extend mixed feelings and definitely not 100% happy. I was happy to get home, walk with Chompy and lit the fireplace afterwards. It was a cloudy day in more than one sense. I faced some of my own demons and did not realize how fast I was going until I saw the cop turning around ... but it was not too bad. Well, being forced to step down from the "pink cloud" to the reality of Earth makes one wonder around,b doesn't it?
So, sunny days with air smelling of rotten leaves and rotten grass are greatly appreciated. So much, that I went to the garage, found the bag with dirt and re-potted the poor amaryllis bulb waiting for a new chance in the basement. And roasted chicken with root veggies smell from the oven and evening seems to start nicely.
Another try of basic hearth bread is started. I guess I did not document sacaduros made on Saturday, but you can believe me that they were yummy, especially when fresh.

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