Saturday, January 9, 2010

First week gone

It has been a strange week, slowly transitioning from European time to US with my sleep pattern and tiredness, getting used to having Chompy around again (and as it turns out, for good) and slowly getting into work, where I have not accomplished as much as I’d like. Partly because I’ve spent a lot of time online researching about dog care, dog shots, dog spaying… about the breed and generally about everything concerning that little rat-baby.
It was bitterly cold, really bitterly, my nose hair (the inside one) pretty much fell out after two mornings of biking to work at -25C. A bit of fresh snow just made everything nicer and once the arctic air hit us, the fireplace was going. And of course, since we kept the dopggies without walking them during that cold, they were quite crazy in the evenings. I have also started leaving Chompy be free in the house, so far no major damage observed.
End of the week at work sucked a little, since I have learned something new about my workplace and the people making decisions there in general. Not overly pleasant thing, but I guess I can live with it for a while longer.
It’s Saturday and am a fresh owner of a slow cooker, thanks to Hana. If the chicken and root veggies come out edible, I may like it.
Today was supposed to be more productive in terms of work-work, I have stuff to do and deadline soon, but my head is just not there, although I know I have only this one shot. I talked to a friend earlier this week and she was as burnt-out as I seem to be, so maybe it is not just me. The house needed scrubbing, my head needed haircut, dogs needed walk and some play time and my love for baking needed to see another episode of Baking with Julia. Plus there is never better time to chop some firewood than Saturday afteroon.
It’s past dinner, chicken was actually overdone and so were potatoes, but the veggies soaked all the goodnes from the bird and the bird smelled by the veggies, so I guess it was edible.
Lazy to make real danishes, I have at least prepared a rich yeast dough for tomorrow and will try some semi-braided thingy filled with other yummy thingies… Inspired from the morning TV, no kidding. Chompy’s napping and seems to have some wild REMs...

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