Another freezing evening in this cold winter makes a perfect excuse for another fireplace session. The rat-baby Chompers just sniffed my head, licked it and with non-identifiable expression ran back to the kitchen. I am looking forward my last night with her, she has certain peacefulness radiating from herself when asleep. And it is so nice to wake up next to somebody/something else.
I am working on improving myself and today I am happy that I did make progress. Yes, spending most of the time trying to send a package of sample on dry ice to Japan was a task worth PhD and I was a tiny bit angry that there must be at least 3 other people involved ... but mostly I have learned to see into others perspective and probably succeeded. It is good to have friends who can hold the mirror to yourself sometimes and if you really listen, you find them trying to help. Thanks, Hani.
There is no morale in this little nonsense writing, but screaming it out to the vast space of the internet makes sense to me. Another face-lick and a few seconds of chewing my little finger... here she is ... and is gone again.
I think you should get little Chompers II just for yourself....I think the time is ready :)