It is warming up again, the next few days will be quite messy and I am not looking forward to it. But, I am looking forward finally washing that ultra-warm sweater from Hana. I don't feel ready for Christmas yet, but one last trip to Cheyenne will hopefully cure me from that.
Last night I baked coconut bars and managed to ice them as well, not mentioning mixing a half gallon of Bloody Mary for the Christmas party I ended up going. All thanks to my dear friend being notoriously late... which this time did not bother me for obvious reasons. I was creative and productive. So was Keith, his candied orange peels are delicious.
This morning I have just finished the bars with chocolate and prepared icing for gingerbreads. Not being very skillful, my Christmas butts are not the most impressive ones, but... they are here.
I am looking forward going home and at the same time feel like missing something, not exactly sure what. I guess I'd like to have Christmas here in my own home. It would have been even nicer if it was with a special guy, it is my fantasy and I believe it will happen. I would also like all my family to come over once... maybe we'll win lottery one day :)
Oh, Wait, wait, don't tell me is on...